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PUBLISHER: Analysys Mason | PRODUCT CODE: 1455821

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PUBLISHER: Analysys Mason | PRODUCT CODE: 1455821

CPQ Systems: Worldwide Forecast 2023-2028

PAGES: 10 Slides
DELIVERY TIME: 1-2 business days
PPTX, PDF and Excel (5 Users License)
USD 7999

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"Generic CPQ systems are ill-equipped to handle the requirements of advanced 5G services as well as evolving and complex digital value chains."

This report provides forecasts for communications service provider (CSP) spending on configure, price, quote (CPQ) systems and related services for 2023-2028. The report also provides recommendations for vendors and CSPs.

This forecast report and the accompanying data annex provide:

  • a detailed, 6-year worldwide forecast for spending in the CPQ systems market, split into:
    • two delivery types: product-related and professional services (PS)
    • eight geographical regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), developed Asia-Pacific (DVAP), emerging Asia-Pacific (EMAP), Latin America (LATAM), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), North America (NA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Western Europe (WE)
  • an examination of the key market drivers and how they will affect spending during the forecast period
  • analysis of the business environment and regional dynamics that will influence the CPQ systems market
  • a detailed market definition
  • recommendations for CSPs and vendors.

About the author:

Raul Simmons Perez, Analyst.

Raul is a member of the Applications research team in London. He leads the Customer Engagement programme as well as SaaS-research across OSS and BSS.

Raul's research focuses on the impact of emerging technologies and strategies such as GenAI and platform-based approaches on the Customer Engagement segment. The Customer Engagement programme helps communications service providers (CSPs) understand developments in the software market that assists them in delivering consistent, contextual and personalised engagements across marketing, sales and customer service use cases as well as maximising customer lifetime value.

Raul's areas of expertise include SaaS and configure, and price and quote (CPQ). Raul holds a degree in Economics and Modern Languages from the University of Warwick.

Have a question?

Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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