This IDC study examines the vendor revenue performance in the overall collaborative applications market for 2023.The top 5 vendors in 2023 based on worldwide revenue are Microsoft (30.1%), Google (14.7%), Zoom (10.3%), Salesforce (7.8%), and Cisco (2.5%). The top 5 vendors together make up 65.5% of the market revenue - only 0.4% higher than in 2022.The functional submarkets that are reflected in this document as the collaborative applications market include team collaboration applications, conferencing applications, enterprise community applications, email applications, and virtual event applications.This IDC study examines the worldwide collaborative applications market and how the market is positioned for continued feature acceleration and growth. Collaboration continues to evolve to reflect communications, teamwork, and the flow of work - in real time. AI and the benefits of collaboration are helping shape the future of work. IDC estimates the worldwide collaborative applications market grew by 13.7% in 2023, marking its eighth consecutive year of double-digit growth."The world is becoming more connected, more visual, more interesting, and much more engaging," according to Wayne Kurtzman, research vice president, IDC's Social, Communities, and Collaboration practice. "The rise of visualization and multimodalities both inside and outside of work will evolve into intelligent collaborative workspaces. They will be deeply integrated with core applications, enhanced with AI-powered "coworkers." This will enable the workplace to evolve with aspects of a collaborative, multiplayer game. In time, this will lead to the formation of new, digital era metrics that tie teamwork, creativity, and collaboration to customer outcomes. This has already started, and the vendors are finding their place in the evolving era of the digital workplace."