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PUBLISHER: Sprout Intelligence | PRODUCT CODE: 1357097

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PUBLISHER: Sprout Intelligence | PRODUCT CODE: 1357097

Adult Vitamin Gummies : Global Market Intelligence ( 2023-2030 )

PAGES: 100+ Pages
DELIVERY TIME: 1-2 business days
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The report "Adult Vitamin Gummies : Global Market Intelligence ( 2023-2030 ) " provides market intelligence on the different market segments, based on Product, Application, Region, Company etc. Market size and forecast (2020-2030) has been provided in the report. The primary objectives of this report are to provide 1) comprehensive global market intelligence through detailed segmentation, 2) market size and forecasts, growth rates, market dynamics, industry structure and developments, market situation, trends, 3) detailed analysis of current dynamics and trends, key market players, and strategies in the market, 4) detailed value chain analysis and review of growth factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants, 5) provide emerging opportunities in the market and the future impact of major drivers and restraints of the market and, 6) support decision makers in making cost-effective business decisions.


In our market size and forecast determination efforts, an extensive secondary research was initially completed to gain a good perspective of the market in each region. Extensive primary research was also carried out by interviewing the key executives from the industry. These interviews helped us to fill-in the data gaps after secondary research. Several secondary sources such as encyclopedia, directories, and databases have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive techno-commercial study. The respondents - selected experts from manufacturers and selected suppliers - have been interviewed to obtain and verify critical information as well as to assess the future prospects. The usage of obtained information is based on the perceived reliability by the research team. In many cases, a combination of several sources was used. Sprout Intelligence provides an in-depth analysis of the market segmentation, which is a critical element of the market intelligence reports at Sprout Intelligence.


Executives in marketing, strategic planning and new product development will find such discussions in our reports pertinent and useful. Management consultants, investment bankers, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and regulatory authorities are amongst our regular clientele served.


The general data sources used in this report are company websites, trade association publications, regulatory authorities, journals, magazines, news websites, press releases, media publications, interaction with industry experts, company executives, research papers, articles, patents, scientific literature, among many others.


The adult vitamin gummies market was valued at $4,502.5 Million in 2020, and is projected to reach $8,483.6 Million by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 7.41% from 2021 to 2030.

Multi-Vitamins segment is expected to be the highest contributor to this market, with $3,342.0 Million in 2020, and is anticipated to reach $6,324.4 Million by 2030, registering a CAGR of 7.46%.

Single Vitamins segment is anticipated to reach $911.8 Million by 2030 with the highest CAGR of 7.53%.

The global adult vitamin gummies market is being driven by factors such as the growing consumer awareness about the importance of nutrition and preventive healthcare, the increasing preference for convenient and enjoyable dietary supplements among adults, and the rising health consciousness and desire for overall well-being.

On the other hand, there are promising opportunities in this market, including expanding distribution channels such as online retail platforms, the potential for growth in emerging economies due to increasing disposable income and urbanization, and the scope for innovation and product development to differentiate offerings and capture a larger market share in the adult vitamin gummies segment.

Table of Contents

1. Report Introduction

    • 1.1. Report Description
      • 1.1.1. Research Methodology
      • 1.1.2. Report Objectives
      • 1.1.3. Data Sources
    • 1.2. Acronyms / Abbreviations
    • 1.3. Assumptions
    • 1.4. Limitations

2. Executive Summary

3. Adult Vitamin Gummies Market, by Product

    • 3.1. Single Vitamin
    • 3.2. Multi-Vitamins
    • 3.3. Type Iii & Other Products

4. Adult Vitamin Gummies Market, by Application

    • 4.1. Food Supplement
    • 4.2. Vitamin Deficiency
    • 4.3. Weight Management
    • 4.4. Immunity
    • 4.5. Other Applications

5. Adult Vitamin Gummies Market, by Region

    • 5.1. North America
      • 5.1.1. U.S.
      • 5.1.2. Canada
      • 5.1.3. Mexico
    • 5.2. Europe
      • 5.2.4. Germany
      • 5.2.5. France
      • 5.2.6. UK
      • 5.2.7. Italy
      • 5.2.8. Spain
      • 5.2.9. Rest of Europe
    • 5.3. Asia-Pacific
      • 5.3.10. China
      • 5.3.11. India
      • 5.3.12. Japan
      • 5.3.13. Australia
      • 5.3.14. South Korea
      • 5.3.15. Rest of Asia
    • 5.4. Rest Of World
      • 5.4.16. Brazil
      • 5.4.17. South Africa
      • 5.4.18. GCC
      • 5.4.19. RoW Countries

6. Adult Vitamin Gummies Market, by Company

    • 6.1. Gummy Vites
    • 6.2. Nature Made
    • 6.3. SmartyPants Vitamins
    • 6.4. Vitafusion
    • 6.5. Olly Nutrition
    • 6.6. Sundown Naturals
    • 6.7. Rainbow Light
    • 6.8. Nordic Naturals
    • 6.9. Hero Nutritionals
    • 6.10. Nutramax Laboratories

8. Appendix

    • 8.1. Disclaimer
    • 8.2. About Sprout Intelligence
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Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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